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Home Women in Finance Forex Suggest study reveals 1 out of 10 Indian women own crypto

Forex Suggest study reveals 1 out of 10 Indian women own crypto

Taking the lead in this captivating trend is Vietnam, where an astonishing 24 percent of the female citizenry, a total of about 12 million women, have embraced cryptocurrency ownership

Women’s Tabloid News Desk
Women’s Tabloid News Desk

In a recent inquiry conducted by Forex Suggest, an intriguing trend in the domain of cryptocurrency ownership among women in various nations has been unveiled. Noteworthy is the revelation that close to one out of every ten women in India has ventured into the intricate world of cryptocurrency, thereby contributing to a significant 9.2 percent of the female populace, an impressive count of approximately 63 million individuals. This remarkable disclosure situates India at the forefront on a global scale, securing the third position in terms of the proportion of female involvement in digital assets.

Taking the lead in this captivating trend is Vietnam, where an astonishing 24 percent of the female citizenry, a total of about 12 million women, have embraced cryptocurrency ownership. Following suit, The Philippines proudly presents a commendable 9.6 percent of female ownership, corresponding to a substantial cohort of approximately 5.5 million women who have become enthusiasts of the crypto realm.

On an alternate note, Vietnam exhibits an almost equitable distribution of cryptocurrency ownership between its male and female constituents. Impressively, females account for a notable 47 percent, shining a spotlight on the pivotal influence that local culture exerts in propelling equal access to digital currency for women.

Nevertheless, it is crucial to discern conspicuous disparities in ownership across various nations when ranked by the percentage of their female crypto user base. Consider Indonesia, for instance, which underscores a substantial 14-point gap between male and female cryptocurrency ownership. Males constitute a noteworthy 57 percent, whereas their female counterparts comprise a substantial 43 percent of cryptocurrency holders.

In the context of Kenya and Colombia, it is observed that women constitute an impressive 42 percent of the aggregate crypto owners in both countries. Furthermore, in the Indian framework, the eighth position in this ranking signifies the presence of women in 40 percent of the crypto ownership landscape, while males predominantly hold the majority with 60 percent ownership.

These discernments cast an illuminating light upon the escalating presence of women within the dynamic crypto landscape, thereby providing invaluable insights into the cultural and societal factors that exert influence over their active participation. As the domain of digital finance continues its trajectory of evolution and expansion, the creation of an all-inclusive environment that transcends gender bounds remains an imperative for nurturing sustained growth, fostering innovation, and engendering broader economic empowerment.

Cryptocurrencies, once relegated to the status of niche interest, have now managed to captivate the attention of a diversified spectrum of individuals, thereby transcending conventional gender demarcations. The revelations furnished by Forex Suggest underscore the shifting dynamics within India’s financial terrain as women wholeheartedly embrace the myriad opportunities presented by the digital revolution. With an increasing number of women taking substantial strides into the realm of cryptocurrency, the journey toward an encompassing and diverse financial future garners momentum, enlivened by the progress

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