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Petrobras targets productivity boost with new FPSO initiatives

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Petrobras has announced plans to introduce more cost-effective floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) platforms, following concerns over rising day rates for leased units. The Brazilian oil giant has officially invited tenders for the construction of the FPSO P-86, a key component of the revitalisation project for the Marlim Sul and Marlim Leste fields.

The tendering process for this new vessel, operating under a Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) model, has been set in motion. Petrobras has confirmed that bidders’ proposals will be opened on 8 April next year, though, as seen in past tenders, delays are possible. Full tender documents are available on the Petronect website for interested parties.

Petrobras’ choice to adopt the BOT model comes as a response to current challenges faced by suppliers in securing financing, making long-term vessel leasing less feasible. This approach allows the chosen contractor to build and operate the FPSO initially, before transferring ownership to Petrobras.

Aside from the Marlim fields, Petrobras is aiming to ramp up production in the Campos Basin, which is nearing its 50th anniversary of operations. According to the company’s president, Magda Chambriard, the basin is currently operating at just 17% productivity. To tackle this, Petrobras has formed an internal team to find ways to boost output. In a positive development, the FPSO Maria Quitéria, which will be located in the Espírito Santo area of the Campos Basin, is now set to start production in October, ahead of the original 2025 timeline.

Looking ahead, Petrobras is also preparing new tenders for platforms at the Sergipe Deep Waters project, after previous efforts to contract the SEAP I and SEAP II units were unsuccessful. The company’s Director of Exploration and Production, Sylvia Anjos, has indicated that the market can expect fresh bids within the next two weeks.

Elsewhere, in the pre-salt region of the Santos Basin, Petrobras is aiming to bring the FPSO Almirante Tamandaré into operation in the Búzios field by late 2024 or early 2025. Another key project, the FPSO Duque de Caxias in the Mero field, is also slated to begin production next year, although no definitive timeline has been set.
