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Lagos enters partnership deals with financial institutions to empower women traders

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Lagos State Government has entered into a partnership with 3 different financial institutions to help out the indigent women traders and to strengthen the state’s financial inclusivity. 

During a press conference in Lagos, Dr. Oreoluwa Finnih-Awokoya, Special Adviser to the Lagos State Governor on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), announced a new initiative aimed at promoting human capital development and supporting underserved communities. The program focuses on advocacy efforts and practical solutions for improving the lives of residents. Joined by representatives from partnering financial institutions, Finnih-Awokoya highlighted that the main objective is to tackle financial exclusion throughout Lagos. The initiative is designed to help ensure that more people have access to financial services, particularly women traders who often face barriers in this area.

The representative of Cowry Wise, another financial institution, Oyeyinka Oyekan, said,  “We are eager to partner with the office of the Sustainable Development Goals to inculcate financial integrity into indigent saturated areas of Lagos State through the human capital development initiative, we believe that financial integrity is not a privilege but a fundamental human right. Furthermore, financial literacy is the sustainable part of sustainable development growth, even more significant, this partnership which makes each initiative ignorant significant, this partnership will enable us to extend financial institutions to those who need it most, because of their financial future, and by extension contribute to our great state Lagos.”


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