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Home Latest JLR accelerates towards electrification with comprehensive workforce upskilling

JLR accelerates towards electrification with comprehensive workforce upskilling

Women's Tabloid News Desk
Women's Tabloid News Desk

Britain’s largest carmaker JLR is intensifying its efforts to transition to an all-electric vehicle lineup by 2030. The luxury car manufacturer is making significant strides in equipping its workforce with the necessary skills for this monumental shift.

Today, JLR is proud to announce the substantial progress made through its Future Skills Programme, which has already trained over 20,000 employees and partners in electrification and digital skills. This initiative reflects the company’s commitment to leading the automotive industry into an electric future.

JLR has achieved impressive milestones in training:

  • Over 2,400 manufacturing employees in the UK have acquired skills specific to electric vehicles (EVs).
  • More than 95 percent, or 10,000, of JLR’s retail partner technicians have been trained to service the next generation of luxury electric vehicles.
  • Nearly 3,000 engineers have received training in electrification.
  • Around 2,500 individuals have been trained in data and digital skills.
  • Additionally, more than 4,200 apprentices and Early Careers employees are currently undergoing training.

With the rapid transformation of JLR’s facilities to support electric vehicle production, training for over 11,000 manufacturing colleagues is ongoing. In the fiscal year 2024, JLR further expanded its talent pool by adding 950 new roles focused on electrification in engineering.

The JLR Learning Academy, which invests approximately £20 million annually, spearheads the Future Skills training. This investment ensures that JLR employees and partners can maximize their potential and drive the company’s electrification goals forward. Looking ahead, JLR plans to train at least 15,000 more employees across manufacturing, engineering, and workshops as part of this program.

Electrification is not only transforming the automotive landscape but also creating opportunities for a more diverse workforce. Unlike traditional internal combustion engine (ICE) work, electric vehicle tasks are often more process-oriented and less physically demanding. This shift is opening doors for a broader range of employees, including those from neurodiverse backgrounds.

Barbara Bergmeier, JLR’s Executive Director of Industrial Operations, expressed her enthusiasm, saying, “Our plans to electrify our ultra desirable modern luxury brands are unfolding at speed and I’m delighted with the pace that our Future Skills Programme is readying our talented workforce. We are working to attract and upskill a more diverse array of talent and electrification is opening up new and more attractive opportunities for females such as Chloe, who have previously specialised in ICE technology. The realisation of our Reimagine strategy is dependent on the skill of our people and a more diverse workforce brings additional strength.  

In addition to these efforts, JLR has launched several initiatives to make STEM careers more accessible to individuals from diverse backgrounds. These initiatives include:

  • A virtual work experience program that saw 2,000 enrolments in eight weeks, with 31 percent of participants being women and girls.
  • A schools partnership program aimed at encouraging students from diverse backgrounds to pursue careers in STEM.
  • Collaborations with partners to attract more diverse candidates to JLR’s Early Careers scheme.
  • The use of AI to create more inclusive job descriptions.

As JLR races towards an electrified future, the company’s dedication to upskilling its workforce and fostering diversity is setting a new standard in the automotive industry.

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