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Home Latest BYD Rolls Out 7 Millionth NEV, Sets Industry Milestone

BYD Rolls Out 7 Millionth NEV, Sets Industry Milestone

Women's Tabloid News Desk
Women's Tabloid News Desk

BYD, the world’s leading manufacturer of new energy vehicles and power batteries, became the world’s first automaker to reach a significant milestone on March 25th with the unveiling of its 7 millionth NEV, the DENZA N7, at its Jinan factory located in China. This accomplishment signifies a remarkable feat for the company, highlighting its rapid production expansion and solid position within the NEV market. The event serves as a testament to BYD’s unwavering dedication to propelling the automotive industry towards a more sustainable future.

Here are the key highlights of this achievement:

  • BYD has secured the distinction of being the first automaker worldwide to roll out 7 million NEVs.
  • The company has witnessed exponential growth, catapulting its NEV production from 1 million to 7 million within an impressively short timeframe.
  • In 2023 alone, BYD’s NEV sales surged to 3.02 million units, maintaining its lead in global NEV sales.
  • Expansion efforts in the international market have led to a remarkable 337% increase in overseas NEV passenger car sales in 2023.
  • With a global footprint spanning across 64 countries, BYD has made significant investments in manufacturing facilities worldwide.
  • BYD remains steadfast in its commitment to green automotive solutions, with plans underway to deepen localization strategies and foster technology sharing on a global scale.

BYD’s journey from the production of its 1 millionth NEV in May 2021 to the recent unveiling of its 7 millionth exemplifies its robust supply chain and scalability. The company’s cumulative annual NEV sales in 2023 underscore its dominance in the market, with a diverse range of models leading sales in their respective segments.

Strategic international engagements have played a pivotal role in bolstering BYD’s presence, particularly evident in the remarkable growth witnessed in overseas sales. This expansion aligns seamlessly with BYD’s mission to champion green transportation solutions globally, supported by strategic investments in manufacturing and technology development across key international markets.

BYD’s participation in global events such as the UEFA European Football Championship 2024™ not only showcases its NEV innovations but also reinforces its brand presence on the international stage. This initiative underscores BYD’s broader commitment to reducing the automotive industry’s carbon footprint and facilitating the transition to greener transportation solutions.

Established in 1995, BYD has evolved from a rechargeable battery manufacturer into a multinational conglomerate, specializing in automobiles, rail transit, new energy, and electronics. With a steadfast commitment to zero-emission energy solutions, BYD aims to play a pivotal role in reducing global dependence on fossil fuels. The company’s extensive reach across industries and continents underscores its mission to leverage technology for a more sustainable and greener world.

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