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Home Women In Business Meet Rania Nashar, Head of Compliance & Governance at Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund

Meet Rania Nashar, Head of Compliance & Governance at Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund

by Naina Patel
by Naina Patel

Rania Nashar stands at the forefront of a transformative era in Saudi Arabia’s financial landscape. As the first female CEO of Samba Financial Group, one of the kingdom’s leading banks, her journey embodies resilience, determination, and a commitment to breaking barriers in the male-dominated world of finance.

Pioneering Leadership at Samba Financial Group

Taking the helm of Samba Financial Group in 2017, Nashar shattered glass ceilings and made history as the first woman to lead a publicly-listed banking company in Saudi Arabia. Her ascent to the CEO position marked a significant milestone in the country’s ongoing efforts to promote gender equality and diversity in the corporate sphere.

With over two decades of experience in the banking sector, Nashar’s rise through the ranks at Samba was nothing short of remarkable. Starting as a technology coordinator after graduating from King Saud University, she swiftly climbed the corporate ladder, holding key positions in compliance, risk management, and audit before assuming the top leadership role.

A Visionary for Change

Beyond her role at Samba, Nashar’s influence extends to the broader landscape of Saudi governance and economic development. In 2021, she transitioned to a new chapter in her career as the head of compliance and governance at the Public Investment Fund (PIF), one of the world’s largest sovereign wealth funds.

At PIF, Nashar plays a pivotal role in driving the fund’s strategic initiatives and aligning its operations with the ambitious goals of Vision 2030. Her expertise in risk management, compliance, and corporate governance positions her as a key architect of Saudi Arabia’s economic transformation agenda.

Championing Gender Diversity

Nashar’s trailblazing journey is not only a testament to her individual achievements but also a beacon of hope for aspiring female leaders across the region. As a staunch advocate for gender equality, she has been instrumental in fostering an inclusive corporate culture and empowering women to pursue leadership roles in traditionally male-dominated industries.

Her leadership at Samba and PIF exemplifies the transformative power of diversity and inclusion in driving innovation, fostering creativity, and unlocking new opportunities for growth and development.

Recognitions and Accolades

Nashar’s contributions to the banking and governance sectors have earned her widespread recognition and accolades. In Forbes Middle East’s prestigious rankings, she consistently features among the top businesswomen, reflecting her enduring impact and influence on the regional business landscape.

Named as one of the “100 Most Powerful Businesswomen” in 2023, Nashar continues to inspire future generations with her visionary leadership and unwavering commitment to excellence.

Looking Ahead: A Vision for the Future

As Rania Nashar embarks on her new role as an advisor to PIF’s Governor, Yasir Al-Rumayyan, her journey comes full circle, bringing together her wealth of experience, expertise, and passion for driving positive change. In an era defined by rapid technological advancements, geopolitical shifts, and evolving consumer behaviors, Nashar’s visionary leadership will undoubtedly shape the future trajectory of Saudi banking and governance.

Her unwavering dedication to excellence, coupled with her relentless pursuit of gender equality and empowerment, sets a powerful example for aspiring leaders and underscores the limitless potential of women in driving meaningful change and progress in the corporate world.

In celebrating Rania Nashar’s remarkable achievements, we honor not only her individual success but also the collective strides towards a more inclusive, equitable, and prosperous future for Saudi Arabia and beyond.

Key Points and Insights:

  • Nashar’s historic appointment as the first female CEO of Samba Financial Group marks a significant milestone in Saudi Arabia’s banking sector.
  • Her transition to the Public Investment Fund (PIF) underscores her continued commitment to driving economic development and governance reform in line with Vision 2030.
  • Nashar’s leadership exemplifies the transformative power of gender diversity and inclusion in fostering innovation and driving organizational success.
  • As a champion for gender equality, Nashar’s advocacy extends beyond her professional endeavors, inspiring future generations of female leaders.
  • Recognized for her outstanding contributions, Nashar’s influence extends to regional and international platforms, cementing her legacy as a trailblazer in the business world.

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