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Home Business First-Ever White Book on Women-Owned SMEs Launched by Vietnam’s MPI and ADB

First-Ever White Book on Women-Owned SMEs Launched by Vietnam’s MPI and ADB

The study on women-owned SMEs unveils insights and strategies for growth, focussing the need to promote gender equality for economic empowerment.

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The Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) unveiled the inaugural study on women-owned small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Vietnam on January 23.

Entitled “Facilitating Entrepreneurship Growth by Lifting Barriers: A White Book on Women-owned Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Vietnam,” the report, a key component of the “Women Accelerating Vibrant Enterprises in Southeast Asia and the Pacific” (WAVES) program funded by the Women Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative (We-Fi), was developed in collaboration with the MPI’s Agency for Enterprise Development.

MPI Deputy Minister Tran Duy Dong emphasized the vital role of women-owned businesses in Vietnam’s pursuit of inclusive and sustainable development.

“Women-led small- and medium-sized businesses can be a key driver of economic growth in Vietnam as well as across Asia and the Pacific,” said ADB Director General of the Southeast Asia Department Winfried Wicklein. “For ADB, promoting gender equality and advancing women’s economic empowerment is a top priority, so we are very pleased to have developed this study with the Ministry of Planning and Investment on promoting women-led SMEs and entrepreneurship in Vietnam.”

The study proposes measures, drawn from global best practices, to unlock the untapped potential of women-owned SMEs in Vietnam, including the establishment of gender-disaggregated databases and legislative integration, particularly within the Law on Gender Equality. It also emphasizes gender-specific initiatives to support the implementation of the SME Support Law and advocates for increased awareness and knowledge dissemination to promote women entrepreneurship and role models. The publication aims to provide insights into opportunities and challenges facing women-owned SMEs, laying the groundwork for future research and policy initiatives to spur sectoral growth and development.


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