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UAE pledges $10.25 Million to aid Sudanese refugee women and boost humanitarian efforts in Chad

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The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has stepped up its humanitarian efforts once again, pledging $10.25 million (AED 37.65 million) to support Sudanese women refugees and launch critical aid projects in Chad. This contribution, announced on September 13, highlights the UAE’s ongoing commitment to addressing the needs of vulnerable communities, particularly women and children displaced by the Sudan conflict.

The announcement coincided with a visit to Chad by Lana Nusseibeh, the UAE’s Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs and Special Envoy. During the trip, the UAE delegation engaged with Sudanese women refugees and civil society leaders to understand the challenges on the ground. They also met with local officials and UN agencies, including Fatime Aldjineh Garfa, Minister Delegate to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Bachar Ali Souleymane, Governor General of Ouaddai Province.

This latest pledge will be distributed among several key UN agencies, with a specific focus on supporting women and children. The World Health Organisation (WHO) is set to receive $3 million to bolster maternal and child health services for Sudanese refugees. Another $2 million will go to the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) for women’s health and programmes aimed at preventing sexual and gender-based violence, while $250,000 will be directed to the UN World Food Programme (WFP) for gender-responsive projects. The UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) will receive $3 million for social cohesion programmes, and UN Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund is set to receive $2 million to support women-led civil society groups.

Reem bint Ebrahim Al Hashimy, UAE Minister of State for International Cooperation, emphasised the nation’s dedication, stating, “Through this additional contribution, the UAE reaffirms its unwavering commitment to supporting those affected by conflict, especially women and children, who are often the most vulnerable. Our efforts in Chad, alongside our international partners, highlight the UAE’s holistic approach to humanitarian aid—one that prioritises immediate relief while empowering communities for the future. We thank our partners and civil society organisations and stand ready to continue our support to ensure that these vital resources reach those in need effectively and swiftly.”

The UAE delegation conducted fact-finding visits to key humanitarian sites, including the Abéché Field Hospital, which was built by the UAE to provide medical care for Sudanese refugees. The delegation’s visits allowed them to gain firsthand insights into the difficulties facing humanitarian aid delivery in conflict zones, while also noting recent improvements in access.

Chad has become the largest recipient of Sudanese refugees, with over 630,000 people fleeing the conflict since April 2023. The vast majority of these refugees are women and children, and Chad has worked tirelessly to provide safe refuge. Nusseibeh highlighted the UAE’s unwavering support for Chad’s efforts, stating, “Our visit to Chad and our $10.25 million contribution reflects the UAE’s steadfast commitment to addressing the needs of women affected by the Sudan crisis.”

Notable figures from international organisations also expressed their gratitude. Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of WHO, said, “The conflict in Sudan has had a devastating effect on Sudanese women and children. WHO thanks the United Arab Emirates for its support, which will enable WHO to continue to provide maternal and child health services for Sudanese refugees in Chad. We must continue to work together to protect and safeguard the lives of the most vulnerable.”

Sima Bahous, Executive Director of UN Women, said, “Women and girls continue to bear the brunt of the conflict unfolding in Sudan. They are forced to flee their homes and find safety in neighbouring countries, where women-led civil society organisations are driving efforts to protect and support them. These local groups provide essential services and livelihood support, as well as food, shelter and safety. The United Nations Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund is an effective localisation tool rapidly channelling funding to local women’s organisations on the front lines. As the proud host of the WPHF Secretariat, UN Women welcomes the United Arab Emirates’ first substantial contribution to the Fund in support of women-led civil society organisations in Chad.”

Meanwhile, Filippo Grandi, UN High Commissioner for Refugees, said, “We are grateful to the United Arab Emirates for their financial contribution, and we appeal to all our donors to urgently mobilise the funds needed to help Sudanese people fleeing into Chad. Refugees from Sudan, and particularly women and girls, endure the compounded challenges of war and displacement. Every contribution will positively impact their lives, helping refugees survive and thrive.”

The UAE has been a major humanitarian player since the onset of the Sudan crisis, contributing $230 million in aid, including the delivery of 10,000 tonnes of food and medical supplies through 159 relief flights. The nation has also committed $100 million at the Paris Donors Conference in April 2024, with funds directed towards both international humanitarian organisations and support for Sudanese refugees in neighbouring countries such as Chad, Uganda, and South Sudan.

As the Sudan crisis continues to unfold, the UAE’s latest contribution is a vital lifeline for those most affected by the conflict, particularly women and children, who remain at the heart of the nation’s humanitarian efforts.


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