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Jordan’s Industry Ministry has launched a new initiative to support women-owned businesses

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Jordan’s Ministry of Industry, Trade, and Supply recently held the first meeting of a new working group dedicated to empowering women-owned businesses, as the Jordan Press Agency reported.

The event featured leading female entrepreneurs, delegates from organizations dedicated to women’s empowerment, and officials from various industry and commerce chambers.

Dana Al-Zoubi, the ministry’s secretary-general, emphasized the working group’s crucial role in meeting the ministry’s goals. She also underscored the ministry’s commitment to enhancing women’s economic involvement across different sectors.

Al-Zoubi commended the Ministerial Committee for Women’s Empowerment and the Jordanian National Committee for Women’s Affairs for their work in addressing the challenges encountered by women. She also highlighted the key achievements of the ministry in 2023 and the first part of this year, along with the ongoing initiatives and strategies.  Al-Zoubi recognized the contribution of the recently formed Women’s Empowerment Unit in enhancing women’s access to economic opportunities.

During the meeting, participants reviewed the working group’s objectives, which involve advising on strategies for advancing women’s empowerment, tackling the difficulties faced by women, enhancing access to opportunities and resources for women-owned businesses, and fostering a supportive business climate.

The team decided that the WEU should create a work charter that details the group’s goals, organizational structure, meeting schedule, and duties. Members were invited to give feedback on the charter and propose additional discussion topics. The suggestion to create specialized technical teams aimed at enhancing women’s access to economic opportunities was positively received, with numerous recommendations provided for future areas of focus.
