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Home Women In Leadership HP Inc. welcomes Fama Francisco to its Board of Directors

HP Inc. welcomes Fama Francisco to its Board of Directors

Women's Tabloid News Desk
Women's Tabloid News Desk

HP Inc. has announced a significant addition to its Board of Directors with the appointment of Ma. Fatima (“Fama”) De Vera Francisco. Francisco, who is the Chief Executive Officer for Baby, Feminine, and Family Care at Procter & Gamble (P&G), brings with her a wealth of experience in global consumer brand management. Her new role at HP is effective immediately.

Chip Bergh, Chair of the HP Board, expressed his enthusiasm about Francisco’s appointment. “I’m excited to welcome Fama to the Board as she will bring deep consumer brand-building and innovation experience along with a very global perspective,” he stated. Bergh highlighted her impressive track record at P&G, emphasizing that her leadership of major global brands and extensive board experience would be instrumental in guiding HP’s future endeavors.

HP Inc.’s President and CEO, Enrique Lores, echoed this sentiment. “We are pleased to welcome Fama to our Board of Directors,” he said. Lores noted Francisco’s extensive experience and successful career as key assets for advancing HP’s Future Ready strategy. “I’m confident her contributions will serve us well now and into our next stage of growth,” he added.

Francisco’s career at P&G spans 35 years, during which she has established herself as a respected leader in the industry. She has a notable history of brand building, business growth acceleration, and creating market share leadership. Among her many achievements, she has the distinction of being P&G’s first female sales manager in the Philippines, one of the youngest women to be promoted to President, and the first Asian female Sector CEO in the company’s 187-year history.

In addition to her professional accomplishments, Francisco holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration and marketing from the University of the Philippines. Her diverse background and strategic insights are expected to be invaluable to HP as the company continues to evolve and grow.

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