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Angel investment platform, Obu, closes over £290k for Female-Founded Businesses

The platform was co-founded by Sarah King and Claire Dunn earlier this year to increase the number of female investors and connect more female-founded businesses to capital.

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The angel investment platform Obu has announced the closure of the first two female-founded businesses to raise funds on its platform. The launch was made earlier this summer and Obu has successfully facilitated the fundraising for two female-founded businesses – Moody Month, a femtech women’s wellness app, and ProperPlan, a personalised project planning app that harnesses the power of AI. The funding round closed at over £290K of combined pre-seed investment for both tech start-ups. MoodyMonth with £105K and Proper Plan with £193K.

Obu’s CEO and Co-founder, Sarah King Following the announcement, stated, “To support not one but two incredible female founders on their fundraising journey is a great privilege. It’s so rewarding to see these truly disruptive businesses secure investment from angels. The closing of these rounds and knowing it’ll support the next stage of growth for these businesses demonstrates the genuine ability of angel investors to shape the types of problems that get solved in the world – proving that more diverse angels really does mean more diverse innovation.”

Through its online platform, Obu establishes connections between female founders and investors, streamlining the investment process and overseeing the legal and contractual aspects of completing a funding round.

For investors and individuals seeking to champion female entrepreneurs and businesses that may have historically been marginalized, Obu serves as a platform that aligns with their personal values. It offers an opportunity to contribute to the fight against gender inequality by actively supporting and investing in underrepresented ventures.

Founder and CEO of ProperPlan, Laura Phillips, stated “Obu inspired my own investment journey from the very beginning. It’s true that you can’t be what you can’t see. Obu is setting out to create a more equal and diverse world – not only for the entrepreneurs who get funded but for the angels who fund us.” 

Co-founder and CEO Moody Month, Amy Thomson, stated “We chose to raise exclusively with Obu because we believe in the work they do, and the mission they’re on. Getting behind their mission brought a whole new dimension to Moody’s raise, enabling us to empower women not just through our tech, but through the choices we make for how we grow our business.” 

Co-founded by Sarah King and Claire Dunn, Obu welcomes all eligible investors who endorse its mission of narrowing the gender investment gap. The platform concentrates on businesses founded by women in sectors such as FinTech, EdTech, FemTech, AI, food and drink, health, and beauty. These ventures are actively seeking funding of up to £250,000 through the Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS). 


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